For most people, the first thing that comes to their mind when they think about bathroom remodeling is plumbing fixtures. And while this is an accurate correlation, plumbing isn't the only system that contributes to the functionality of your bathroom. You also need an electrical wiring system to make the most of the electrical fixtures in this section of your house.
That's why you should have a residential electrician on your renovation team and let them point out the electrical wiring adjustments you should make. If you're crucial to learn the critical aspects of bathroom electrical wiring your residential electrician will pay attention to, read on to find out.
1. Exhaust Fan
A bathroom exhaust fan is one of the most important and often overlooked aspects of the room's electrical wiring. The fan's primary purpose is to remove moisture and odors from the air, but it also helps to regulate temperature and prevent mold growth. An exhaust fan should be powerful enough to move large volumes of air from your bathroom but not make noise during operation, as this would disrupt your peaceful self-care time.
Furthermore, the fan should be wired to a switch that is easily accessible so that it can be turned on and off with little effort. Your residential electrician will pay close attention to all these details to ensure the exhaust fan increases the functionality of your bathroom.
2. Grounding and Bonding Power Outlet
Since your bathroom is virtually always wet, there is always a risk of electrocution. As you know, water and electricity do not mix. Thankfully, your residential electrician can eliminate this electrical hazard by installing a grounding and bonding power outlet. The protection power outline is like a circuit breaker that prevents electric current flow when there is a risk of fire or electrocution.
3. Proper Wiring for Lighting Fixtures
Like any other room in your house, your bathroom should have lighting fixtures that provide illumination in the absence of natural light. Even if your bathroom is designed to receive abundant natural light, you're bound to need artificial lighting when the sun sets. Your residential electrician will set up proper wiring for lighting fixtures to ensure they don't get exposed to the moisture in your bathroom.
Electrical wiring in bathrooms can be tricky and risky. That's why you should avoid the DIY route and engage a residential electrician for all your bathroom renovations. If you are making some bathroom renovations that involve electrical wiring, contact an electrician.